July 20, 2015

Residents of Moody subdivision concerned about commercial trucks

By DAVID ATCHISON, Home staff writer

MOODY – Residents of the Blue Ridge subdivision asked city officials Monday night if the council could do anything about big commercial trucks parking in their subdivision.

“There are no laws prohibiting trucks on public roads,” said city attorney James Hill.

He said if the big tractor trailers were damaging roads or causing safety issues, the city could possibly intervene.

Blue Ridge subdivision resident David McGowan said the commercial rig takes up half the road.

Another resident, Wayne Gardner, said at one time, there was tree service truck equipment in the subdivision, including a pulpwood truck, chipper and wrecker.

“Now there is a full 18-wheeler with a 52-foot trailer,” he said.

Residents said subdivision streets were not built or designed for these type trucks.

“We maintain those streets, so we have a vested interest in keeping those streets maintained,” Hill said.

Hill said if an individual is parking work vehicles on private property, there was nothing the city could do, but he said subdivision covenants could restrict commercial trucks on private property.

Residents said roads in the Blue Ridge subdivision were last paved in the ‘80s and were beginning to wear. They said traffic in subdivisions should be limited to normal size passenger vehicles, with the exception of school buses and garbage trucks.

Mayor Joe Lee said the city engineer will look at the problem and determine if the city should have weight restrictions for commercial trucks in subdivisions.

“It’s going to have an effect on the entire city, not just in one area,” Hill said.

In other matters Monday night, the council:

O Approved an agreement with Arbors of Avalon, LLC., to help pave streets in part of a subdivision that was developed before the company took over the development of the residential project;

— Approved to move forward with a three-year contract at an annual cost of $5,000 with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to remove and destroy beaver dams along the Little Cahaba;

— Approved to pay $650 for a starter and labor to install it in Fire Engine No. 1, and $590 to purchase medical supplies;

— Approved to send police Sgt. Pete Hicks to a FBI (SLEDS) course in Florence at a cost not to exceed $600. The training was budgeted;

— Approved a $11,288 change order from Bigbee Steel Buildings, Inc. for the civic center project;

— Approved an agreement with the St. Clair County Commission to make road repairs to Franklin Gap Road. The county road department will provide the labor;

— Approved to amend the city’s zoning ordinance to allow certain uses in a B-2 General Business District;

— Approved to rezone property owned by James Hollis on US 411 from agriculture to B-3 tourist commercial;

— Approved to allow the mayor to enter into an agreement with the Alabama Department of Transportation for a paving project, which will include the resurfacing of Kerr Road, from Kelly Creek Road to U.S. 411;

— Appointed election officials for the Aug. 11 vote on Sunday alcohol sales. The officials are: Chief Inspector William Bass; inspector Susan Jenkins; poll list clerk Judy Martin; and clerks Glynda Rice, Connie Nobles, Boyce Higgins, Shirley Reynolds, Gaye Austin, Ruth Newton, Faye Treadwell, Mary Kay King and Fredrick Dowdle;

— Approved compensation for election officials: chief inspector $150; inspector $125; poll list clerk $100; and clerks $100;

— Approved an agreement with the St. Clair County Commission to share in the cost of repairs to Canterbury Road. The city’s cost is $4,625;

— Approved the yearly Overdrive e-Book license agreement and maintenance fee for the library at a cost of $3,000. The fee is a budgeted item; and

— Approved the purchase of a new tire for a dump truck from Wing-foot Tire at a cost of $735 for the tire and installation.

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