Confident and Competent – Selecting a Criminal Defense Attorney

I remember speaking with a former City Attorney about the various programs and options available today for persons charged with crimes in Municipal and State Courts as compared to what programs were available years ago. He mentioned how “back in the day” generally persons charged with a crime were either were found guilty, and often went to jail, or were acquitted. The problem was not with the intended consequences but rather with the unintended ones. Sending a person to jail for even five to ten days was considered “just” but the intent was not for the person to lose their job, fail to be able to make a mortgage payment and no longer to be able to provide for their family. Not to mention, should the person be in need of help, nothing was often available to be offered (thus leading to jail overcrowding, increased tax burdens on citizens and increasing recidivism rates).
The Criminal Justice system has been overhauled in the last twenty (20) years. Courts have realized the benefits of programs such as “Drug Court,” “Mental Health Court” and “Veterans Court.” The state legislature has passed legislation governing the way “Deferral Programs” are implemented and enforced. The challenge is finding an attorney who is confident in a court room to defend the rights of the charged and competent with the options the laws and the Criminal Justice system has begun to offer defendants in Municipal and State Courts.
Hill, Gossett, Kemp, Barrentine & Seay, P.C. has the unique experience of prosecuting in multiple municipal courts throughout the state and working with and amongst the ever changing laws and programs available to criminal defendants in this modern era of criminal law.
If you have been charged with a crime in a State or Municipal Court within the State of Alabama and you desire the assistance of confident and competent legal counsel, call Matt Gossett to set up a free consultation to see how his experience can serve you.
Hill, Gossett, Kemp, Barrentine & Seay, P.C.
(205) 640-2000
P.O. Box 310
Moody, AL 35004
No representation is made that the quality of legal services provided by this firm is greater than the quality of legal services provided by other firms.